Commodity Logistics and Import Project

Commodity Logistics and Import Project Summary

The project will involve upgrade of the raw materials berths, and unloading and conveying infrastructure, which will allow BlueScope to continue to import raw materials operations including iron ore, scrap, coal and other materials for ongoing steelmaking operations.

The project includes construction of a new CSU at Berth 111, new conveying infrastructure to facilitate transportation materials from the berth to stockpiling areas, and modifications to the berth to allow the relocation of the existing Coke Loader and two Ship Unloaders, No.2 Ore Unloader (2OUL) and No.3 Ore Unloader (3OUL).

As the utilisation of the berth is already near full capacity, the relocation of the Coke Loader, 2OUL, and 3OUL will be undertaken to manage the current shortfall in ship discharge capacity and to provide flexibility during outage periods caused by structural works. It is proposed to split the existing CLIP scope into 2 stages:

Stage 1: Relocation of the Coke Loader and associated Ship Unloader movements.

Stage 2: Installation of a CSU and associated conveyors.

Project Updates

  • DPE Approval received May 2023

  • Execution of the project commenced in April 2024.

Updates for the Commodity Logistics & Import Project are provided to the Community Consultative Committee (CCC). Minutes of the CCC meetings are available  here.

Project Statutory Approvals

A project application including an Environmental Impact Statement for the project was submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for approval. The project was approved on 24 May 2023. A copy of the Instrument of Consent and corresponding application documents for the project can be accessed through the NSW Government Major Projects Website or via the following links:

In addition to the Infrastructure Approval, the project is regulated by NSW Environmental Protection Licence 6092. The licence is publicly available via the following link:

NSW Environmental Protection Licence 6092 Environment & Heritage | POEO Licences, Application and Notice Detail (

Project Management Plans

Strategies, plans, and programs for the execution of the project are in the process of being developed and approved in accordance with the Infrastructure Approval. 

Contact Us

Should you have any enquiries or wish to raise an issue or complaint about the project, please contact us via email or call us on 1800 640 252.